December IPhone Dump

Monday, December 29, 2014

Tanner's school hosted a "Cookies With Santa" event one night at her school.  This was the first time that she whispered in my ear that she knew that he was just one of Santa's helpers.

Amy and Clifton invited us to go to a Spurs game one night.  We went out to eat at a restaurant downtown first and then headed over to the game.  It was a fun night out!

Our elf, Strawberry Shortcake, decided to be funny one night and she put Tanner and Cameron's underwear all over our Christmas tree! Silly elf!

Tanner had her 7 year well child exam (a little late) and I had no choice but to bring all three kids.  It was so funny, though, because both of the boys wanted to do everything that their big sister was doing so Dr. Boecker had them all get on the table and she did everything three times.  It was really funny! 

I was on my way to the gym one Saturday morning when I saw this spider web on my car. I went to get Cameron, knowing that he would love it, and he did not disappoint.

Just some random cuteness.

 Tanner put her special pillowcase that Gammie had made her on her pillow and put her tooth in it for the tooth fairy to come.


When we went to Lake Jackson we stopped over at my parents' house to see my dad. My mom was in Kerriville, of course, so we got some good one on one (or one on five, I should say) time with G-Paw.

 Tanner and I had a good time baking together this holiday season.  We made some Christmas style sweeties, and she iced them for me.

We also made some "reindeer food" for her class party one night.

The night before her last day of the semester, I rolled her hair in these rollers.  She was so excited to see what it looked like and it was soooooo fluffy the next day!

The next morning, the challenge students got to perform "Jingle Bells" using hand bells on the announcements at school.  They did an AMAZING job, and I was so impressed!! That is Tanner in the red pants and fluffy hair.  It was pajama day, so they all got to dress comfortably that day. 

Tanner and Cameron did a lot of sleeping by the Christmas tree over the break.  I am absolutely loving this time in my children's lives.  I am so sad that they have to grow up one day.

I am not sure exactly what happened, but something scared Colby so bad that he started screaming and running to find me and then he buried his head in my chest like this for about 15 minutes.  I felt so bad for him.

He finally turned around to take a picture.

I like to take a picture of our tree every year. I just think Christmas trees are so magical, and I want to remember ours from when the kids were little.

 More of the same.

 The day after Christmas, the Huberts were in and we all made our way to the hospital to see YaYa.  More to come on that later. The kids enjoyed looking out the window at the view of all of the big buildings.

This picture makes me happy =).

Johnson City Lights

Monday, December 15, 2014

A few years ago, before Cameron, my aunt invited us and the Mitschkes to Johnson City to see the amazing light display that the electric co-op there put up every year.  We met there late afternoon one Sunday, and we ate dinner and headed over to see the lights.  We took a hay ride and drank hot chocolate, and it was really a lot of fun.  This year, I thought it would be really special if we could all get together and do the same thing again.  Luckily, my cousin was in town so he was able to join us this time.  She made the drive ok, and we all met there again on a Sunday.  We had a really fantastic time, and I am so happy that we got to do this together.  The lights at this place are so beautiful, and it was such a festive thing to do this time of year.  Having this time with YaYa was priceless, and I am so thankful that it all worked out for us to go. Less than a week later, she had her first seizure and has been in the hospital ever since, so I really cannot describe how thankful I am to have had this experience.

They did so good posing for this picture! They had so much fun!
 Scott took YaYa for a stroll around the perimeter to see all of the lights.

If you didn't know that Clinton was Cameron's dad, you would think that Jason was.  He and Cameron have always just "clicked" and it is so sweet how much they love each other.

I am so glad we have this picture. 

 Scarlett was writing notes to YaYa on her writing board. I think it said "I love you".

Scott was playing the Spiderman theme song and marveling at the fact that Cameron knows each and every word.  Are we really surprised, though? =)

While we were there, I was busy taking pictures when I heard some screeching coming from where the kids were playing.   I looked over, and Tanner had lost her second tooth!!! It was her other bottom front tooth. She was so excited, because we had been waiting weeks for this thing to fall out.  That was definitely the highlight of her night!

 I wish I knew what she told her. I guess it was between the two of them.

 Colby was giving her kisses....

 Love this!

Family Pictures

Monday, December 8, 2014

While we were in Lake Jackson, we took the opportunity to have some pictures done since everyone was together.  It was pure chaos for 95% of the time, but during the other 5% we were able to get a few good shots.  These are a few of my favorites.  I am so glad that we have these, and I know that we will cherish them years in the future.


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